AutismCare Nepal Society
Why do I support an autism related project?
Donations can be made directly to Autism Care Nepal Society in Kathmandu (see bank details below)
Name of Bank: Sunrise Bank Limited, Corporate Head Office
Address: Sunrise Plaza, Gairidhara Crossing, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 977-1-4004560, 4004562, 4004563; Fax: 977-1-4422475
Account Name: Autism Care Nepal
Account No: 00210008475018
As a matter of fact, there are different reasons :
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is much more common than most people think.
It is a serious and lifelong disabling condition.
It can have a profound or even devastating effect on individuals and their families.
ASD cannot be cured, however the right support at the right time will make an enormous difference.
There is little knowlegde about ASD in Nepal.
Inspired by the dedication and enthusiasm a group of Nepalese parents showed when founding AutismCare Nepal Society in 2008, I decided to support this project by walking the Great Himalaya Trail and "selling" it as a CHARITY WALK.
The donations received made it possible to send two staff members to India for further education.
The income from a second edition of the book about the Great Himalaya Trail printed in Nepal went to the school and parts of the net-income created by holding talks about this adventure is donated to support their never ending dedication.